We weren't born to follow

This is a space for professional thoughts and projects, but here is a rare personal reflection - just something that's been on my mind.

It's time to get back to basics. My life has become too complicated, too full of things that distract me from what is really important.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I am meant to be here, in this place, at this time, with these people, doing this crazy thing called Athens MidDay right now. Not later. And there have been things in the past couple of weeks that made me question why. But the pieces of THIS puzzle are slowly starting to connect and - who knows? - might make sense soon.

I've never been so overwhelmed or full of uncertainty and, as it turns out, that's not a bad thing. I just need to simplify and then maybe, just maybe, I can find what I'm looking for and step down the path to doing the great things I know I can do.

That's deep enough for today.

I really AM going to make an effort to keep this thing updated more. But now I'll leave you with another song that is frighteningly fitting for this post. I guess it's just a Bon Jovi kinda day for me...

Farewell to mediocrity


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