Another Try

Well, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I clearly didn’t keep this up (heck, I barely even started it).

So, it’s that time of year again…a new year means we all make resolutions that only come back to haunt us . Hopefully, these aren’t those kinds of resolutions. You’ve read my preaching about the importance of using social media and interactive technologies to market yourself and share news, so the following is my Social Media Resolution List for 2010.

Wish me luck – this could get messy!

1. Blog at least once a week. This should be easy once I get into a habit of doing it. I’m pretty opinionated, so there’s going to be a lot of commentary. I also really want to explore this idea of “From the Rolodex” because I think it has the potential to be really fascinating. Then, this Ravenswood documentary will kick into full gear sometime later this year and there should be no shortage of material there.

2. Be more active in LinkedIn groups. I recently joined several pertinent LinkedIn groups and need to be an active member – commenting on discussions, starting discussions, and mingling with other members. That’s really the only way to get the most networking out of LinkedIn.

3. Tweet something other than what I’m feeling, thinking, or doing. The most prolific tweeters offer insight or advice – they actively respond and retweet but also include links of interest. This can be a great networking and marketing tool, but only if I stop treating it has an elitist Facebook status.

4. Create a brand for myself. This one is the kicker – the biggie. It won’t happen overnight; heck, it won’t happen by July. But, in the long run, this is the goal. As I go into my final year as an undergraduate and possibly in higher education, I need to do all I can to establish my brand – who am I? what do I stand for? I need an “essence.” It’ll happen; it’s just an overwhelming task.

Well, there they are. Thoughts? Helpful hints? What are YOUR social media resolutions in 2010?

Until next time (and I promise it won’t be another six months)…



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